June 2021

British Horse Society Riding Schools Competition 2021 - we held the first of our qualifiers for this competition on 2nd June, congratulations to everyone who qualified through to the next round. We will be holding more qualifiers so there are still chances to qualify - check out details on our website.

Special events, school holiday activities and shows 2021- dates have now been added and are available on the website, just check out the relevant pages and get yourselves booked in!

British Dressage Winter Championships - India and Eddie competed in the Advanced Medium Silver class and finished just outside the top ten in 12th place.

Verity and Izzy competed in the Medium Silver Freestyle and had a positive time gaining experience in the buzzing atmosphere in the indoor school there. Now working on developing a new floor plan and music with the aim of qualifying again next year!

Pole clinics with Alison West - these continue to be very popular and we are now running two a month on a Thursday morning, all dates bookable via Equoevents.

Unaffiliated Dressage Competitions - run once a month on a Thursday morning - book via Equoevents.

British Dressage Affiliated Competitions - run on Mondays usually once a month

Exam Success - congratulations to Harriet, who is one of our apprentices on passing her BHS Stage 2 Care exam.