Ridden Games Sessions
Sessions for beginners upwards. Help groom and tack up before a fun filled ridden session of mounted games.
£40 bookable via ECPro
Sessions for beginners upwards. Help groom and tack up before a fun filled ridden session of mounted games.
£40 bookable via ECPro
Warm up with your instructor and then jump the full course. Rosettes for clear rounds.
£30 bookable via ECPro
Open to Witham Villa riders who do not own/loan their own horse.
Classes according to ability for riders graded Novice upwards.
3 classes with a dressage test, show jumping round and Stable Management quiz paper.
Dressage only tests.
£45 - Bookable via ECPro
Junior Experience sessions - spend time learning how to groom and tack up before a ridden session
Times and availability for booking via ECPro
Come and groom and tack up your pony (assistance given where required) then take part in the Handy Pony Course both ridden and leading the pony in hand.
Spooky fancy dress encouraged!
Cost £45
Halloween Junior Experience Sessions
Running throughout the day each session is for 1 1/2 hours and includes interaction with the ponies, grooming etc as well as a riding lesson
Cost £40
Halloween Clear Round Jumping - to run throughout the day. Will be split into different groups according to ability - times will be announced beforehand.
All events bookable via ECPro…If new to Witham Villa then follow the link from the Witham Villa front page
Summer Holiday Activities
18 July Two-Day Pony Camp
20 July Clear Round Jumping Events
21 July Junior Experience Activities
25 July Arena Eventing
26 July Games Sessions
27 July Junior Experience Activities
28 July Showing Shows 1 August Two-Day Pony Camp
3 August Clear Round Jumping Events
8 August Two-Day Pony Camp
10 August Junior Experience Activities
11 August Games Sessions
15 August Clear Round Jumping Events
16 August Junior Experience Activities
17 August Games Sessions
22 August Showing Shows
24 August Arena Cross Country Event
All activities are available to book via ECPro - where full details of prices etc can be foung
Date ActivityGrade Riders Price From To
20/12/2022 WVJT Xmas Party VJT4 £0.00 8.00 5.00
21/12/2022Clear Round Jumping Int/Adv6 £26.00 11.45 12.30
21/12/2022Clear Round Jumping Int/Adv6 £26.00 1.45 2.30
21/12/2022Clear Round Jumping Nov/Nov+6 £26.00 2.30 3.15
21/12/2022Clear Round Jumping Nov/Nov+6 £26.00 3.15 4.00
22/12/2022Junior Experience Beg/Beg+6 £35.00 11.00 12.30
22/12/2022Junior Experience Beg/Beg+6 £35.00 1.00 2.30
22/12/2022Junior Experience Beg/Beg+6 £35.00 2.45 4.15
27/12/2022Arena Cross Country Nov+6 £26.00 10.45 11.30
27/12/2022Arena Cross Countr Int/Adv6 £26.00 11.30 12.15
27/12/2022Arena Cross Country Int/Adv6 £26.00 12.15 1.00
27/12/2022Arena Cross Country Nov+6 £26.00 1.00 1.45
29/12/2022Games Day Nov/Int6 £35.00 11.15 12.45
28/12/2022Games Day Beg+6 £35.00 1.00 2.30
28/12/2022Games Day Nov6 £35.00 2.30 4.00
29/12/2022Clear Round Jumping Nov/Nov+6 £26.00 10.00 10.45
29/12/2022Clear Round Jumping Int/Adv6 £26.00 10.45 11.30
29/12/2022Clear Round Jumping Nov/Nov+6 £26.00 11.30 12.15
29/12/2022Clear Round Jumping Int/Adv6 £26.00 12.15 1.00
30/12/2022Junior Experience Beg/Beg+6 £35.00 10.00 11.30
30/12/2022Junior Experience Beg/Beg+6 £35.00 11.45 1.15
30/12/2022Junior Experience Beg/Beg+6 £35.00 1.30 3.00
all booking via ECPro
All of our normal lessons will continue throughout the summer holidays, but there will also be additional special activities, all bookable via ECPro…
Tuesday 12th July Games Morning 10-13.00 Price £35
Wednesday 13th July Clear Round Jumping Price £25
Thursday 14th July - Pole Clinic - 13.30-15.30 Price £25
Friday 15th July - Junior Experience sessions Price £35 In each session there will be a riding lesson and also a stable management session enabling a hands on experience looking after the ponies
Tuesday 19th July - Junior Experience sessions - Price £35
Wednesday 20th July - Cross country sessions 10.45am - Price £30. These will either be simulated cross country in the menage or in the field weather and ground conditions dependent.
Thursday 21st July - Dressage Competition - Price £25
Friday 22nd July - Junior Experience sessions - Price £35
Monday 25th July- Tuesday 26th - 2 day non-residential camp. 10.00-15.30 both days - Price £150 - riding and learning about looking after your pony. Beginner and Beginner Plus
Wednesday 27th July - Pony Club Day - for our Witham Villa Pony Club members - riding and badge/test work - Price £35 9.00-15.30
Thursday 28th July - Pole Clinic - 13.30-15.30 Price £25
Friday 29th July - Junior Experience sessions - Price £35
Tuesday 2nd August - Pole Clinic - 13.30-15.30 Price £25
Wednesday 3rd August - Pony Club Day - for our Witham Villa Pony Club members - riding and badge/test work - Price £35 9.00-15.30
Thursday 4th August - Games Day 10.00-15.30 Price £35
Friday 5th August - Junior Experience sessions - Price £35
Monday 8th-Tuesday 9th August 2 day non-residential camp. 10.00-15.30 both days - Price £150 - riding and learning about looking after your pony. Novice and Intermediate.
Wednesday 10th August - Pony Club Day - for our Witham Villa Pony Club members - riding and badge/test work - Price £35 9.00-15.30
Thursday 11th August - Cross country sessions 10.45am - Price £30. These will either be simulated cross country in the menage or in the field weather and ground conditions dependent.
Friday 12th August - Junior Experience sessions - Price £35
Monday 15th August - Games Day 10.00-15.30 Price £35
Tuesday 16th August - Clear Round Jumping Price £25
Wednesday 17th August - Pony Club Day - for our Witham Villa Pony Club members - riding and badge/test work - Price £35 9.00-15.30
Thursday 18th August - Pole Clinic - Price £25
Friday 19th August - Junior Experience sessions - Price £35
Tuesday 23rd August - Clear Round Jumping Price £25
Wednesday 24th August - Pony Club Day - for our Witham Villa Pony Club members - riding and badge/test work - Price £35 9.00-15.30
Thursday 25th August - Dressage Competition - Price £25
Friday 26th August - Junior Experience sessions - Price £35
Tuesday 15th Feb - Pony Club E and D Test Day
Wednesday 16th Feb - BHS Riding Schools Competiton Qualifier
This runs in the following classes:-
12 years and Under - dressage test, show jumping round and stable management question paper
13-17 years - as above
18 and over - as above
Dressage only -
17 and under
18 and over
Thursday 17th February - AM Unaffiliated dressage for Seniors PM Unaffiliated dressage for Juniors
Friday 18th February - Junior experience sessions
All events will be available to book via ECPro. The events will appear as group lessons with the special event titles.
All entries are via ECPro
Thursday 10th February
Thursday 24th February
Thursday 10th March
Thursday 24th March
Thursday 14th April
Thursday 28th April
Thursday 19th May
Thursday 9th June
Thursday 30th June
Thursday 14th July
Thursday 28th July
Thursday 18th August
Thursday 8th September
Thursday 22nd September
Thursday 6th October
Thursday 27th October
Thursday 17th November
Thursday 1st December
Thursday 15th December
Today we are running D Test sessions for our Pony Club members.
Sessions are available to book via ECPro
Today we are running a full day from 8.00am to 5pm for our Witham Villa Junior Trainees. You will need to book on via ECPro. This will be a fun day including riding and training sessions
Today we are running E Test sessions for our Pony Club members.
Sessions are available to book via ECPro
Today we are running Junior Sessions - riding and stable management for riders in Beginner and Beginner+ lessons. Sessions include riding and learning and practising how to look after the ponies.
10.00am-11.30am - For riders in Beginner + lessons
11.45am-13.15pm - For riders in Beginner lessons
14.00pm-15.30pm - For riders in Beginner lessons
All bookings to be made via ECPro
Today we are running Junior Sessions - riding and stable management for riders in Novice and Novice+ lessons. Sessions include riding and learning and practising how to look after the ponies.
All bookings to be made via ECPro
Today we are running Junior Sessions - riding and stable management for riders in Beginner and Beginner+ lessons. Sessions include riding and learning and practising how to look after the ponies.
10.00am-11.30am - For riders in Beginner + lessons
11.45am-13.15pm - For riders in Beginner lessons
14.00pm-15.30pm - For riders in Beginner lessons
All bookings to be made via ECPro
Intro B, Prelim 18, Novice 27, Elementary 44
Entries via Equoevents
Intro A, Prelim 1, Novice 24, Elementary 42
Separate classes in Intro and Prelim for Witham Villa Junior Trainees
Entries via Equoevents
Intro B, Prelim 12, Novice 24, Elementary 42
Entries via Equoevents
Intro C, Prelim 7, Novice 28, Elementary 42.
Entries via Equoevents
A great opportunity to come and have a pole work session with your horse under Alison’s expert guidance. A great way to improve your horse’s agility, self-carriage and core strength whilst having fun!
Either on your own horse or a Witham Villa horse
Entries via Equoevents
Intro B, Prelim 12, Novice 27, Elementary 44.
Separate classes for Witham Villa Junior Trainees in Intro and Prelim.
Entries via Equoevents
There will be help available where required, starting with a pole course with heights going up throughout the day. Booking via Equoevents.
A great opportunity to come and have a pole work session with your horse under Alison’s expert guidance. A great way to improve your horse’s agility, self-carriage and core strength whilst having fun!
Either on your own horse or a Witham Villa horse
Entries via Equoevents
There will be help available where required, starting with a pole course with heights going up throughout the day. Booking via Equoevents.
A great opportunity to come and have a pole work session with your horse under Alison’s expert guidance. A great way to improve your horse’s agility, self-carriage and core strength whilst having fun!
Either on your own horse or a Witham Villa horse
Entries via Equoevents