Witham Villa Adult Trainee Scheme
Following on from our very successful Junior Trainee Scheme we are now going to launch a similar scheme for adults.
This will run during the week.
The training will be through working alongside the staff, learning how to do all the jobs associated with ensuring that the horses’ needs are met.
The training will enable the trainees to achieve and progress through the Witham Villa Stable Management Rainbow Awards. By working through these progressive awards you will learn more about horse care and the training will enable you to develop confidence in working with and being around horses generally. The skills gained within the awards will also prepare you to take BHS or Pony Club exams should you wish and will prepare you for owning your own horse, should you ever wish to get one.
To register interest please email Verity Saul at withamvillarc@yahoo.co.uk, or message her on 07899978136
British Horse Society Exam Training Courses
Details of future courses will be displayed here.
BHS Stage 1 course - 12 week stable management course starts on Monday 3rd February, bookable via ECPro
BHS Exam Dates here at Witham Villa
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 2 Teach
To be arranged when we have the candidates requiring any of these exams