During September we were pleased to re-start our Thursday morning Unaffiliated Dressage competitions and it was lovely to welcome back both competitors on their own horses and some of our clients competing on the school horses.
We also re-started our monthly pole clinics with Ali, which she kicked off with another great pattern of poles to challenge horses and riders and improve athleticism. whilst having fun
September saw us say a sad goodbye to Kate Jones who had been a member of our team for several years. She will be missed by both the staff and clients alike and we wish her well in her new ventures .and thank her for all her hard work in her time here at Witham Villa
We have welcomed a new apprentice, Sarah-Jane to join the team and study for her exams here .
We are very pleased to be able to let you know that Nicky had a successful hip replacement operation and is already back teaching - with renewed vigour!
We have also welcomed a new Freelance Instructor who will be teaching on Sundays - Alina Atkinson
We have a new horse here - Peg, who has come on loan to us. She is a lovely forward going quality piebald cob
As we have now been able to increase the number of children in the beginner half hour class lessons, we are pleased to inform you that the price of these is now £18 per child, plus £1.50 for hat and boot hire.