November 2019

We held our final dressage shows of the year in November, culminating with our own Championship Show. It was lovely to see the delight on the everyone’s faces, especially the children with their sashes and prizes.

We have had a successful season with the Witham Villa dressage horses. Eddie (Escade) is qualified for the British Dressage Advanced Medium Winter Regionals, Victor (V) for the Elementary regionals, Izzy (Issey Magic) for the Novice and Elementary Regionals.

It has been lovely to see Harrison (Harry) out competing in the affiliated classes at Prelim level and see the progress from the start of the year to achieving scores of up to 65%.

Also just starting out is Jeanie (Lady Jean) so watch this space!

This year has also seen the Witham Villa Dressage League shows and the Thursday morning shows going from strength to strength. An ideal platform for anyone who wants to get started and progress in dressage with lots of help and advise available. We’ve had tiny tots through to over 70’s taking part and having a great time.

November also saw another successful 2 day dressage camp. It has been great to see the progress of the horses and riders that have come and enjoyed these fun educational days.

We are delighted to announce that Serina Gonchakov passed her BHS Stage 3 Teach meaning she is now a fully qualified BHS CCH (coach in complete horsemanship)

We continually work to upgrade Witham Villa and are pleased that work on the inside of the Indoor School is now complete - it has been cleaned, repainted and the surface has been upgraded.